Friday, January 28, 2011

Eyes on the prize

"Most people live by the philosophy everybody is doing it, so it must be alright. This is exactly what we have done, so often, we have ended up feeling that the only thing right is to get by. The only thing wrong is to fall."
In case you blockheads haven't noticed January 2011 has slipped from our fingers into oblivion. Have you done anything productive or worthwhile in the new year? Are you keeping true to your resolutions? Here at base camp we've come up with a new slogan for 2k11 and the rest of our days. "You only live once." Because really, you only live once. Every second that passes is a second closer to death and further away from doing the things you've dreamed of and set your goals for. Every minute that goes by is a minute not spent doing what you love. Every hour wasted is 60 minutes of not doing what you love and 360 seconds of not fulfilling dreams and goals.
Are you tired of drooling every time pretty ladies float by in tight jogging pants watching their booty bounce all over the sidewalk? Jog up to them next time and say hi. What's the worst that could happen? You only live once. We here at Change Order are sick of the status quo and sick of just getting by. Its time to do something about it. Just remember, when times get tough, or you feel yourself starting to get lazy, you only live once. Is this the way you want to spend your life? Is this the way you want to be remembered? We're all in this thing together. And I'd rather get it in for the win then get by. So let's ride.

Hit play for 2011's gettin' it in anthem.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Hometown Hero Presents: BIG K.R.I.T. & Grillade "Hometown Hero" from Yours Truly on Vimeo.

Nothing much to add, its just some super inspirational ish. Reminds me a lot of driving up 16th street to JFK and onto 76 to get to work. The only good thing about that drive was the flight and the jams. Miss you Philly cats.

Friday, January 14, 2011

The Fall

The only thing greater then a new Gorillaz album is an even newer Gorillaz album. Thank you 2010 for two of a few of the only things good about last year.

Banana Boat

To one of my best friends and crime partners, Santiago, keep your head up player. Stay posi in 2011.