Wednesday, April 21, 2010

R.I.P. Guru

It seems like too many people are dying these days. I know its a little bit different when a celebrity dies, cus everyone knows about it, but it just seems like its more then usual lately. I'll never forget the first time I listened to Gangstarr when I went on a family trip to Colorado when I was like 12. It was a miserably awesome trip full of fantastic memories, but one of the main ones was how many times we listened to "You Know My Steez" off of the Moment of Truth album. I learned every word to that song over the week we were there, and still to this day spit with Guru when it gets its spin on my pod. Years later I never would have thought that I would have given the rest of the album as many listens as I have, let alone watch it slowly creep into my top 10 all time favorite hip hop albums. Guru had some incredible things to say, which unfortunately got overshadowed by Public Enemy at the time, but I will forever appreciate his words from this disc. R.I.P. Keith Elam aka Guru.

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