Turns out the risky move to go to baltimore on my own to see wale and big sean paid off. The trip there was another story. Scooter's gps decided to take me through the sheistest parts of town first, where, even living in Philly, I was pretty on edge when the light turned red. The venue was not much different. I had to park underneath a bridge, where I could only assume the show The Wire was based off of. Either way, I was pretty much the only white guy in line waiting for doors to open, for at least an hour. Thank god neither Big Sean nor Wale rap about hood shit, cus all in all, most of the dudes that were there were about looking cool rather then selling drugs and killing whities. As the night progressed openers came and went. The first guy was pretty decent, but nothing exciting. The second act was two of the fattest, most hood bitches I have ever seen, just screaming into the mics, words that would sometimes rhyme every once in awhile. After hearing way too much, I relinqished my extremely nice spot in about the fourth or fifth row to climb a tree, and actually, to get away from the carnage that was these girls rap careers. Upon entering I grabbed a beer and hung out in the back, trying to learn how to not hear things, when another dude next to me made a very audible sigh of disgust. He seemed to be reaching out for another sympahetic ear, so breaking the ice I said "trying to sit this one out huh?" and his response was "yea, way out." After enjoying a few more biting insults about Salt n Pepa meeting The East Side Boys, I parted ways with my beer and buddy, and plodded my way through the crowd to find a good spot for Big Sean.
Unfortunately it was a decent wait for him to come out, and even longer wait for his dipshit dj to figure out his music, ultimately settling for a macbook hooked up to the speakers. The wait was well worth it tho, he ripped the shit out of that show. He played pretty much every jam that i love by him including, but not limited to "getcha some" "million dollars" and the show stopping "desire want and need". His theme of becoming finally famous after grinding hard his whole life rang very true, as his flow only went harder, and his energy only increasing with every song. Seeing him with his G.O.O.D. music jesus chain, his air yeezys on, and a camo fitted cap, I definitely felt like nothing I could ever wear would look as cool as him. Ever.
Wale came out after and tore the roof for almost 2 hours, as to be expected. He's from DC so baltimore is practically part of his neighborhood. People love him in the delaware, maryland, virginia (DMV) area. He ran through the classics, as well as new joints, and tons of shit that I haven't heard before, but apparently aren't new, as every person in the damn crowd wearing a nationals fitted hat was spittin too. He had Young Chris come out to rip a couple verses, and the show ended with the band playing Nike Boots while he signed girls titties, dudes hats and shoes, and Big Sean freestyled over the beat. Wale is by far the most lyrically gifted mc in the new batch of "new school" and his swagger (most overused word in 2008-09) definitely matched it. He knew that he was a star, and knows that his star is only gonna get brighter, which shit, i can't fault the guy, he's awesome. But there was something about Big Sean that totally floored me. He was by far the coolest guy I think i've ever seen. He had it all. The swagger (dumb word) the style, and to top it off he actually gave a shit about what he was doing, and who he was reaching. While Wale was ripping through the end part of his set, he came out and stood on the side to watch him perform. I happened to be standing right at the stage where he was. He came out, and almost immediately complimented me on my 10 Deep fitted hat that i was rocking, and offered to sign it.

I passed, but shared a few words with him, and ended the brief but memorable exchange with a strategic handshake, and both continued watching Wale rip.
The show didnt end until about 2, and i didn't get home until about 3:45, but it was definitely one of the best birthdays I've had in my 24 years, top 3 at least. Thanks Big Sean, your definitely in my top 5 right now.
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